Recruiting Top Talent: Medical Administrative Assistant

Recruiting Top Talent: Medical Administrative Assistant

It’s no secret that medical receptionists and administrative assistants are crucial healthcare team members. They’re the first point of contact for patients and visitors and are responsible for keeping the office running smoothly. But finding the right person for these roles isn’t always easy. You need someone who’s organized, detail-oriented, compassionate, and can handle a fast-paced work environment. This blog post explores tips for recruiting top medical administrative talent.

Connect with colleges with medical administration programs.

Local colleges and universities offering medical administration programs are great places to find talent. You can contact professors in these programs or post job openings on the school’s career center website. You may even want to consider working with the school to offer internships or job shadowing opportunities. These can be great ways to attract talented students looking for hands-on experience in the field. Getting connected with the future workforce means you will most likely get the best and first pick.

College programs usually ask for some quid pro quo, so be prepared to offer scholarships, guest lecturing, or clinical opportunities. These don’t have to cost exorbitant amounts of money either, as the cost of turnover, hiring recruiters, and paying hiring bonuses far exceeds what a small scholarship would.


Attend medical administration networking events and job fairs.

Attending a networking event or job fair is an effective way to connect with top talent. By participating in industry gatherings and job fairs, you can meet potential candidates, showcase your team and facilities, and introduce them to the job opportunities available within your organization. This approach enables you to establish valuable relationships and identify individuals who align well with your company. Be sure to bring plenty of informational materials about your organization, and have your team on hand to answer questions and engage with attendees.

Some networking events offer sponsorship opportunities like luncheons, lanyards, or program sponsorships. These offers give you a chance to make your health systems stand out among other employers.


Be an attractive employer with competitive pay and good benefits.

To attract the best candidates, it is crucial to position yourself as an appealing employer. This entails offering competitive pay and benefits packages and creating a nurturing work environment that encourages growth and development. Be sure to emphasize these enticing perks in your job postings and throughout the recruitment process. Additionally, you may want to consider providing flexible schedules or other unique benefits that can distinguish you from other employers in the healthcare industry. Doing so will increase your chances of attracting top-tier talent and building a thriving team.

Remember, potential employees can see right through an employer’s catchy values and commitments, so make sure it’s genuine and not something you just say.


Be open to people with experience in other industries.

Finally, when considering candidates for medical administration roles, it is important not to overlook those with experience in other industries. Many valuable skills, such as exceptional customer service, strong organizational abilities, and keen attention to detail, can be honed and cultivated in diverse fields. By keeping an open mind during the resume and cover letter review process and being willing to give candidates from different industries a chance, you may discover hidden gems which bring unique perspectives and valuable expertise. Check out resources specifically for administrative assistance, and create a company profile to see if you get any interest. Embracing this diversity can enrich your team and contribute to the overall success of your organization.

Outsource your medical administrative positions if necessary.

Finding the right medical administration assistant to hire and train can be difficult and time-consuming, especially when the qualified workforce is scarce. MedCall Plus offers a solution in the form of temporary or permanent assistance with our medical answering service. Our team of professionals has extensive experience in patient communication and are trained to provide accurate and effective customer care.

We understand how important it is for medical administration offices to have reliable help that can support them in their daily operations. To find out more about our services, please visit our website today. With MedCall Plus, you can rest assured that your office receives top-notch customer service from some of the most experienced professionals.

Recruiting top medical administrative talent can be challenging. Still, by taking a proactive approach and using various strategies, you can improve your chances of finding the right person for the job. Whether you’re attending job fairs, networking with local colleges, or offering competitive pay and benefits, the key is to be proactive, open-minded, and willing to invest in the future of your healthcare organization. Remember these tips as you begin the recruitment process, and you’re sure to find the right person for your team.

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